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How to Train a Frenchie? Ultimate Training Guide


French Bulldogs, often affectionately known as “Frenchies,” have surged in popularity thanks to their adorable looks and charming personalities. Despite their small stature, these dogs possess big characters and an abundance of love for their owners. However, for your Frenchie to be both well-behaved and happy, consistent training is essential. This comprehensive guide, focusing on How to Train a Frenchie? will walk you through everything you need to know to train your French Bulldog successfully.

How to Train a Frenchie?
How to Train a Frenchie?

How to Train a Frenchie?

Understanding French Bulldogs

Characteristics and Personality Traits

French Bulldogs are known for their affectionate nature and playful demeanor, making them excellent companions for families and singles alike. However, training a French Bulldog can be challenging due to their stubborn streak. Recognizing their unique blend of stubbornness and intelligence is essential for effective training.

The French Bulldog is holding a ball in its mouth.
Characteristics and Personality Traits

Common Behavioral Issues

Frenchies can exhibit behaviors such as excessive barking, chewing, and separation anxiety. These issues can impact not only your daily life but also your training efforts. Understanding these tendencies ahead of time will prepare you to address them proactively

The French Bulldog is holding a ball in its mouth.
Common Behavioral Issues

Importance of Understanding Your Frenchie’s Unique Needs

Every dog is unique, and French Bulldogs are no exception. Knowing your Frenchie’s specific needs, from dietary requirements to exercise preferences, will help you tailor your training methods effectively.

See more about How Long Do Frenchies Live?

Basic Training Principles

The Role of Consistency and Patience

Training a French Bulldog requires consistency and patience. These dogs may not always catch on immediately, so repeating commands and maintaining a steady routine is crucial.

The French Bulldog is being trained.
The Role of Consistency and Patience

Positive Reinforcement Techniques

Using positive reinforcement such as treats, praise, and toys can make training more effective. Rewarding good behavior encourages your Frenchie to repeat those actions, making training a more enjoyable experience for both of you.

Setting Realistic Training Goals and Milestones

Establishing clear, achievable training goals will help you track your Frenchie’s progress. Celebrate small milestones to keep both you and your dog motivated.

What age can I start to train my French Bulldog puppy?

You can start training your French Bulldog puppy as soon as you get them home. We know that all you’ll probably want to do is cuddle them and kiss them but they’re clever little dogs who love to please so let’s get started with teaching them the ropes as soon as we can.

Like most dogs, they thrive on boundaries and consistency so make sure you’re training your French Bulldog puppy with these in mind, all while using positive reinforcement-based training.

Bulldog is looking
What age can I start to train my French Bulldog puppy?

Essential Training Techniques

Obedience Training

Teaching Basic Commands

  • Sit: Hold a treat above your Frenchie’s head and move it back until they naturally sit down. Once seated, say “sit” and reward them.
  • Stay: Command your dog to sit, then hold your hand up like a stop sign and say “stay.” Take a step back, and if they stay, reward them.
  • Come: Use a cheerful tone, say “come,” and gently tug on their leash. Reward them when they reach you.
  • Down: Hold a treat in your hand and lower it to the ground, guiding your Frenchie into a lying position while saying “down.”

    The French Bulldog is being petted.
    Teaching Basic Commands

Behavior Management

Addressing Common Behavioral Issues

  • Barking: Identify triggers and redirect attention with commands or toys.
  • Chewing: Provide appropriate chew toys and remove access to items they shouldn’t chew.
  • Jumping: Ignore jumping behavior and reward your Frenchie only when all four paws are on the ground.

    The French Bulldog is shaking paws.
    Addressing Common Behavioral Issues

Potty Training Your Frenchie

Decide where you want your dog to toilet. Avoid letting your dog get familiar with toileting indoors if you’d like it to toilet outside. If you have a place in your yard where you’d like your dog to toilet, bring it to the spot immediately. Before you even go into your house, let it sniff around the yard until your dog urinates or defecates.

When your dog does urinate or defecate, give your dog lots of verbal praise and attention so your dog associates going to the bathroom outside with being praised.

Start training right away. In order to make your French bulldog a good household member, begin french bulldog potty training as soon as you get it. If you wait to begin training and let your dog toilet on puppy pads, it will take longer to it and you dog will be confused about where to toilet.

You’ll need to be very consistent and encouraging when you begin housebreaking your French bulldog.

Watch for signs that your dog needs to toilet. Most dogs will show signs that they need to toilet, so watch your French bulldog to become familiar with your dog’s specific signs. You should also be in the habit of frequently giving it the opportunity to toilet. Signs that your dog needs to toilet include:

  • Panting
  • Pacing or sniffing around the house
  • Barking
  • Wandering off to a quiet area

Clean up messes immediately. If you didn’t notice your dog’s cue to toilet or your dog accidentally goes in the house, thoroughly clean up the mess. You’ll need to use a product designed for pet messes or a special pet-urine enzymatic cleaner. This will completely remove the scent of urine so your dog doesn’t return to the same spot to toilet later.

Don’t scold or hit your dog for having an accident. Your dog won’t be able to associate the punishment with the action (toileting inside) and your dog will learn not to trust you.

Socialization Strategies

Importance of Early Socialization

Early socialization helps French Bulldogs become well-adjusted adults. It reduces the likelihood of fear-based aggression and other behavioral issues.

Tips for Introducing Your Frenchie

Expose your Frenchie to various environments, people, and pets gradually. Reward calm behavior and make new experiences positive.

Exercise and Play

Suitable Exercises and Activities

Frenchies enjoy moderate exercise due to their brachycephalic (short-nosed) nature. Short walks, play sessions, and interactive toys will keep them fit and stimulated.

Balancing Physical Exercise with Mental Stimulation

Incorporate puzzle toys and training games to engage your Frenchie’s mind alongside physical activities.

Crate Training

Get a crate. Choose a crate that will be large enough for your French bulldog. Your dog should be able to stand normally without a hunched back inside the crate. If your French bulldog isn’t fully grown, allow enough room for your puppy to grow into its full adult size. Your dog should also be able to turn around comfortably.

Using a crate is one of the best ways to housebreak your French bulldog. The crate also gives your dog a safe space when your dog needs to retreat or you have to leave your dog alone for a little bit.

Set up the crate. Assemble the crate (if needed) and place a crate pad or soft blanket in the bottom. To encourage your French bulldog to use the crate, put a few healthy treats in the crate, but don’t leave food or water in it. Your dog should feel comfortable and safe in its crate.

You should place the crate somewhere quiet, but also where your dog can interact with people. Your dog shouldn’t feel isolated or punished when your dog’s in the crate.

Introduce your dog to the crate. Leave the kennel door open and encourage your dog to enter the crate on its own. Let your dog do this often for several days and then shut the door behind your dog. Leave your dog in the crate for 10 minutes and sit next to your during this time. Let your dog out when your dog’s quiet.

Never let your dog out if your dog is whining or pawing at the door of the crate.

Increase the amount of time your dog spends in the crate. Slowly keep your dog in the crate for longer periods of time. Once you’ve worked up to 30 minutes, you can leave it in the crate for short periods of time. Older dogs can stay in the crate for up to 4 hours at a stretch (which is how long they can hold their bladders).

Never leave your dog in a crate for longer than this or use the crate as a punishment. If you do, your dog may resist going in the crate.

Train your dog to use the crate at night. Make sure your dog’s crate is in a quiet spot where people won’t be coming and going. To crate your dog overnight, play with your dog a lot so your dog is tired and set a treat in the crate. Close the door once your dog’s in the crate and leave the room. Don’t reenter the room while your dog is still crying.

Remember that you’ll still need to get up in the night to let your dog go out and toilet. If your puppy is under 4 months old, let your dog out every 2 to 3 hours. If your dog is older, you should let your dog out at least every 4 hours.

The French Bulldog is being trained to use a crate.
Crate Training

Advanced Training and Fun Tricks

Teaching Advanced Commands and Tricks

Commands like “roll over,” “shake,” and “spin” can keep training fun and engaging. Use the same positive reinforcement techniques as with basic commands.

Celebrating Progress

Celebrate your Frenchie’s achievements with praise and treats to keep them motivated and eager to learn.

Recommended Training Tools and Resources

Essential Training Tools

  • Leashes and Harnesses: Invest in durable, comfortable options.
  • Training Pads: Useful for housebreaking and managing accidents.
  • Interactive Toys: Keep your Frenchie mentally stimulated.

Books, Videos, and Online Courses

Resources such as books by Cesar Millan, YouTube tutorials, and online courses from platforms like Udemy can provide additional training support.

Finding Professional Trainers

Look for certified professional dog trainers (CPDTs) who use positive reinforcement techniques. Attend local training classes for hands-on guidance.

Tips for Successful Training

General Tips

  • Consistency: Stick to a regular training schedule.
  • Patience: Understand that training takes time and persistence.
  • Positive Environment: Maintain a positive, encouraging training atmosphere.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid inconsistent commands, harsh punishments, and unrealistic expectations to ensure effective training.

Encouragement for Ongoing Training

Training is a lifelong process. Regular practice keeps your Frenchie’s skills sharp and reinforces your bond.

bulldogs are looking
Tips for Successful Training

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Q : What are the most important commands to teach a French Bulldog?

The most important commands to teach a French Bulldog include sit, stay, come, down, and leave it. These commands form the foundation for obedience and can help manage your Frenchie’s behavior effectively.

Q : How do you handle stubborn behavior during training sessions?

Handling stubborn behavior during training sessions requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Instead of forcing compliance, try using rewards and praise to motivate your Frenchie to follow commands willingly.

Q: What are some effective methods for house training a French Bulldog?

House training a French Bulldog involves establishing a consistent routine, supervising closely, and rewarding good behavior. Use crate training and frequent bathroom breaks to encourage appropriate elimination habits.

Q : Why do French Bulldogs fart so much?

Why do French Bulldogs fart so much? French Bulldogs are prone to excessive flatulence due to their unique physiology, including a shorter digestive tract and breathing issues that can lead to swallowing more air. Proper diet and exercise can help manage flatulence in French Bulldogs.

Read more Best food for french bulldog


Training your French Bulldog is an incredibly rewarding experience that fosters a strong bond between you and your pet. By following the principles outlined in “How to train a french bulldog? such as understanding their unique needs, employing positive reinforcement, and maintaining consistency, you’ll have a well-behaved and happy Frenchie. Dive deeper into our resources for more tips and guidance. Happy training!


At, Frenchie Feast Co is dedicated to providing the best information and advice on nutrition and food for French Bulldogs. We understand that every dog has unique nutritional needs, especially breeds like the French Bulldog. Therefore, we continually research and seek out optimal nutritional solutions.

CEO Lincoln Martin is not only the founder of but also a proud Dachshund parent. With a deep understanding of the unique dietary needs of Dachshunds, Lincoln Martin is committed to helping fellow dog owners make informed decisions about their pets’ nutrition.

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Whether you’re a new Dachshund owner or a seasoned enthusiast, you can trust the expertise and dedication of the team at to support you on your journey of providing the best care for your furry friend.

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